Foundation inspections are necessary to ensure that your foundation is in good standing. Your foundation is an extremely important part of your home and any damages that might occur need to be taken care of as soon as possible. Basement inspections are a great way to do this. If you’re looking into a basement inspection then you might want to know how much a basement foundation inspection is. Let’s get into the details.
How Much Does a Basement Foundation Inspection Cost?
Basement foundation inspections are very important as we stated. Getting your foundation inspected is essential to keeping it in check and making sure that there are no damages to be found. Basement foundation inspections can cost between $300 and $700 depending on the area, type of inspection, and size of your home or property.
Inspections can vary even based on the company or the inspector doing the job, but overall you can expect to pay a few hundred dollars for an inspection. It’s well worth it though for getting to the bottom of any foundation problem you might have.
What’s To Expect For a Basement Foundation Inspection?
Basement foundation inspections are meant to look through your foundation and ensure everything is looking good, and if not, then they will make note of this. The inspector will go over the entire perimeter of your basement inside and outside your home. They’ll look for signs of foundation problems such as cracking, among many other things. Once they’re finished with the inspection they’ll give you a detailed report of any damages they’ve found and repairs that they recommend.
Do I Need A Foundation Inspection?
There are a few reasons why you might need a foundation inspection. First off, inspections are needed at least twice a year. This is to ensure that everything is okay on a regular basis. Here are a few things that might indicate that you need a foundation inspection.
In Need of a Regular Inspection
If you haven’t had your foundation inspected in a year or longer then it might be time to get one. It’s recommended to get a foundation inspection twice a year, so if you’ve missed that timeline then we recommend getting a foundation inspection.
Signs of Damage
There are a few signs of damage that you should watch out for. Foundation problems can occur and they can show signs to the homeowner. Here are a few important signs to watch for:
- Cracking in your walls or ceilings
- Bowed walls
- Bouncy floors
- Sticking windows and doors
- Leaking from cracks on walls or flooring
- Uneven floors
These are just a few signs that you should watch out for when it comes to potential foundation problems.
Who Performs A Foundation Inspection?
Structural engineers are usually the ones that perform a foundation inspection on your home. They’re educated in the structural parts of a home and are good at spotting issues. They are also an unbiased third party so their opinion will be necessary and not swayed based on anything.
How Can I Get My Foundation Checked?
Your foundation needs to be checked regularly regardless of whether or not you notice foundation issues. If you need a foundation inspection then you can call a local foundations company or inspector and set one up. It’s not difficult at all and it’s quite a quick process as well.
The Bottom Line
Basement foundation inspections can cost a few hundred dollars depending on the inspector and the conditions. Overall, despite the cost it’s definitely an essential part of keeping your foundation and your home in good standing. If you’re looking to get a foundation inspection then be sure to contact an inspector as soon as possible to get it taken care of.