Having a successful company often means you need to expand and that may require constructing or purchasing new offices. Or perhaps you are investing in commercial real estate. Here are seven steps to consider as you plan your new office building.
- Location
It is true, location is one of the most crucial decisions you will make with your new office. Having easy access by car and mass transit will invite frequent visitors. Selecting an area that is inviting and attractive will draw attention from those that pass by.
- Interior Design
It is important that you hire an expert to help you with color selection as you choose paints, floorings and other design decisions. This building will be there for a long time and picking out durable furnishings will keep everything looking sharp for many years.
- Landscaping
Even before you and your tenants move into the new location, you want to have some attractive landscaping completed. Trees and flowers add so much to the beauty of your property. You may be required by zoning restrictions to use landscaping that uses minimum amounts of water, and xeriscaping can be stunning.
- Grounds Maintenance
Once you move in, consider hiring a company that provides landscaping services Seattle to keep your grounds as beautiful as possible. Don’t forget to keep the parking areas and sidewalks looking nice and clean, too.
- Safety
Inspect the interior and exterior of your building on a regular basis for safety issues. A buckled sidewalk might cause one of your clients to trip and be injured. Have employee fire safety training and utilize your community emergency preparedness teams to educate your staff. Be prepared for floods, earthquakes and any other issues that may affect your area.
- Security
Be sure to have adequate lighting in the hallways and parking lot, to maintain the best security possible. Install cameras, consider hiring security guards and make sure employees are trained to properly lock up as they leave.
- Property Management
If you have several office spaces available, you might want to hire a property manager. The manager’s job would include keeping the property fully leased, handling new tenant arrangements and overseeing care and maintenance of your building.
Commercial real estate can be a great investment if you take the steps to keep your structure looking its best. Having your premises as eye-catching and safe as possible will attract new clients to your business and new tenants to your building.